Lake Cuyamaca Fish Report - Lake Cuyamaca - Lake Cuyamaca Fishing Report - August 9, 2020

Lake Cuyamaca Fishing Report

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Lake Cuyamaca

Lake Cuyamaca Fishing Report

by Lake Cuyamaca
(760) 765-0515

Dusty Britches here along with Mrs. Britches, Dirty Britches, Wet Britches and Saggy Britches.

We are looking at warmer days ahead after a cooling trend. The moon is waning and can still be seen in the early morning sky. Our fishing has slowed down considerably. Only pan fish are coming out now during this warmer part of the year.

It seems to be a more protective time of the year as the ducks and their ducklings along with the geese and their goslings are staying very close together. I spied a kestrel working the open areas along the north shore just east of Lone Pine. The American Kestrel is the smallest and most abundant in the Falcon family. It’s size ranges from that of a blue jay to that of a mourning dove. They are very light with a small weight range measured in grams and a high metabolism. Because of their activity they have to eat frequently during the course of a day to keep their energy up.

I thought I saw Abbot and Costello doing their who’s on first, what’s on second while listening to an older couple talking while having lunch on the deck of the restaurant. He couldn’t hear, and she didn’t listen. Human nature is sometimes funnier than a slapstick routine with Buster Keaton.

Another tickler was down by the boat launch in the evening watching the local raccoons frolic in the cool water of the lake. It doesn’t happen too frequently, but when it does, it’s a 3 ring circus.

I wanted to let folks know that we don’t have annual fishing permits here, but we do sell annual access permits. It’s normally $10.00 per car per day to access the lake, but the annual access pass is only $25.00 per car for the entire year and it is good for an entire year from the date that you got it, so if you visit the lake 3 times during the course of an entire year you have saved money. More frequent visits compound the savings exponentially. Averaging one visit a month means your visitor access is only $2.08 average cost per visit, and if you visit once a week it averages around 48 cents per visit for the entire year and so on. You see what I mean. It’s the biggest bang for the buck in San Diego! Hiking, Pic-nic ing, Bar-B-Q, birding, and some fun animals and birds to watch.

My Labrador has learned how to drool as of late, and he can do it at the drop of a hat, usually at dinner time while I am just slicing in to a piece of seasoned tri-tip from Don’s Market. Not a pretty sight. Then, putting him outside so I can eat in peace, he acts as though I beat him. So, cut a piece off the tri tip and give it to him because I feel sorry. Guess he won again, huh?

Well Happy Trails. Lenny needs help, I’m off to unplug a toilet at Chambers Park. Best of luck to those casting their lines off the Mission Belle!

Tight Lines and Bent Rods. Dusty Britches

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