Seaforth Sportfishing
San Diego, CA
Seaforth Sportfishing
1717 Quivira Road
San Diego, CA 92109
1717 Quivira Road
San Diego, CA 92109
Phone: (619) 224-3383Website:
Tide Chart
Seaforth Sportfishing Fleet
Historical Data
Fish Counts for October 2023 | |||
Date | Boats | Anglers | Fish Count |
October 01, 2023 | 7 Boats 8 Trips |
156 Anglers | 288 Yellowfin Tuna, 145 Bluefin Tuna, 37 Calico Bass, 20 Dorado, 1 Halibut, 1 Sheephead, 1 Yellowtail, 1 Skipjack Tuna, 80 Calico Bass Released |
October 02, 2023 | 5 Boats 5 Trips |
132 Anglers | 294 Yellowfin Tuna, 22 Calico Bass, 8 Bluefin Tuna, 7 Sculpin, 3 Sand Bass, 3 Skipjack Tuna, 1 Whitefish, 1 Dorado, 50 Calico Bass Released |
October 03, 2023 | 6 Boats 6 Trips |
138 Anglers | 471 Yellowfin Tuna, 51 Bluefin Tuna, 19 Dorado, 12 Sheephead, 12 Skipjack Tuna, 7 Calico Bass, 6 Sculpin, 4 Whitefish, 4 Yellowtail |
October 04, 2023 | 5 Boats 6 Trips |
125 Anglers | 87 Dorado, 65 Bluefin Tuna, 60 Yellowfin Tuna, 40 Yellowtail, 37 Whitefish, 11 Sheephead, 6 Sculpin, 5 Calico Bass |
October 05, 2023 | 7 Boats 8 Trips |
151 Anglers | 168 Bluefin Tuna, 37 Calico Bass, 29 Yellowfin Tuna, 20 Dorado, 12 Whitefish, 10 Sheephead, 6 Yellowtail, 1 Sand Bass, 80 Calico Bass Released |
October 06, 2023 | 7 Boats 8 Trips |
187 Anglers | 241 Bluefin Tuna, 39 Calico Bass, 4 Sculpin, 4 Sheephead, 2 Yellowfin Tuna, 140 Calico Bass Released |
October 07, 2023 | 6 Boats 7 Trips |
149 Anglers | 95 Bluefin Tuna, 47 Calico Bass, 20 Yellowfin Tuna, 13 Sheephead, 6 Sculpin, 5 Bonito, 3 Whitefish, 120 Calico Bass Released |
October 08, 2023 | 5 Boats 6 Trips |
155 Anglers | 106 Bluefin Tuna, 84 Sculpin, 19 Yellowfin Tuna, 8 Calico Bass, 3 Sand Bass, 3 Bonito, 2 Whitefish, 1 Sheephead, 40 Calico Bass Released |
October 09, 2023 | 5 Boats 6 Trips |
166 Anglers | 86 Bluefin Tuna, 27 Sculpin, 18 Whitefish, 18 Yellowfin Tuna, 5 Calico Bass, 4 Sand Bass, 2 Bonito, 1 Sheephead |
October 10, 2023 | 3 Boats 3 Trips |
62 Anglers | 68 Dorado, 33 Yellowtail, 30 Sculpin, 16 Bluefin Tuna, 5 Sand Bass |
October 11, 2023 | 6 Boats 6 Trips |
141 Anglers | 230 Bluefin Tuna, 66 Yellowfin Tuna, 30 Calico Bass, 12 Sheephead, 3 Sculpin, 75 Calico Bass Released |
October 12, 2023 | 4 Boats 4 Trips |
82 Anglers | 88 Bluefin Tuna, 37 Sculpin, 30 Yellowfin Tuna, 12 Sand Bass, 3 Whitefish |
October 13, 2023 | 7 Boats 8 Trips |
177 Anglers | 293 Bluefin Tuna, 164 Dorado, 69 Yellowfin Tuna, 39 Sculpin, 17 Yellowtail, 16 Sheephead, 5 Sand Bass, 5 Whitefish, 3 Calico Bass, 1 White Seabass |
October 14, 2023 | 4 Boats 5 Trips |
137 Anglers | 89 Bluefin Tuna, 47 Sculpin, 40 Blacksmith Perch, 34 Whitefish, 19 Sheephead, 13 Dorado, 10 Sand Bass, 9 Calico Bass, 6 Yellowtail, 30 Calico Bass Released, 10 Sand Bass Released |
October 15, 2023 | 6 Boats 7 Trips |
150 Anglers | 107 Dorado, 99 Bluefin Tuna, 47 Sculpin, 27 Calico Bass, 20 Sheephead, 18 Yellowtail, 16 Whitefish, 16 Yellowfin Tuna, 10 Sand Bass, 60 Calico Bass Released |
October 16, 2023 | 5 Boats 5 Trips |
112 Anglers | 156 Bluefin Tuna, 63 Dorado, 42 Yellowtail, 31 Sculpin, 30 Whitefish, 9 Yellowfin Tuna, 6 Sand Bass |
October 17, 2023 | 5 Boats 5 Trips |
127 Anglers | 91 Bluefin Tuna, 76 Yellowfin Tuna, 70 Calico Bass, 4 Sheephead, 2 Skipjack Tuna, 75 Calico Bass Released |
October 18, 2023 | 2 Boats 3 Trips |
71 Anglers | 58 Bluefin Tuna, 38 Calico Bass, 29 Yellowfin Tuna, 17 Whitefish, 3 Sand Bass, 3 Sheephead, 3 Yellowtail, 3 Skipjack Tuna, 2 Sculpin, 70 Calico Bass Released |
October 19, 2023 | 4 Boats 4 Trips |
125 Anglers | 210 Rockfish, 65 Yellowfin Tuna, 41 Bluefin Tuna, 13 Calico Bass, 13 Dorado, 5 Skipjack Tuna, 3 Yellowtail, 2 Sheephead, 50 Calico Bass Released |
October 20, 2023 | 6 Boats 7 Trips |
153 Anglers | 117 Bluefin Tuna, 104 Dorado, 23 Calico Bass, 22 Yellowfin Tuna, 6 Yellowtail, 1 Sheephead, 1 Whitefish, 1 Skipjack Tuna, 50 Calico Bass Released |
October 21, 2023 | 4 Boats 5 Trips |
160 Anglers | 116 Yellowfin Tuna, 70 Whitefish, 62 Dorado, 36 Bluefin Tuna, 9 Calico Bass, 8 Skipjack Tuna, 4 Sheephead, 1 Yellowtail |
October 22, 2023 | 5 Boats 6 Trips |
138 Anglers | 80 Bluefin Tuna, 62 Yellowfin Tuna, 58 Dorado, 52 Whitefish, 11 Calico Bass, 4 Sculpin, 2 Sheephead, 1 Yellowtail, 1 Skipjack Tuna |
October 23, 2023 | 1 Boat 1 Trip |
12 Anglers | 35 Yellowfin Tuna, 22 Bluefin Tuna |
October 24, 2023 | 2 Boats 2 Trips |
36 Anglers | 198 Dorado, 55 Yellowfin Tuna |
October 25, 2023 | 6 Boats 6 Trips |
133 Anglers | 491 Yellowfin Tuna, 326 Dorado, 55 Bluefin Tuna, 26 Skipjack Tuna, 7 Whitefish, 5 Calico Bass, 3 Sculpin, 1 Yellowtail |
October 26, 2023 | 4 Boats 4 Trips |
92 Anglers | 31 Yellowfin Tuna, 22 Bluefin Tuna, 5 Yellowtail, 2 Calico Bass, 2 Whitefish |
October 27, 2023 | 5 Boats 6 Trips |
134 Anglers | 48 Bluefin Tuna, 31 Yellowtail, 20 Dorado, 14 Calico Bass, 9 Yellowfin Tuna, 8 Whitefish, 3 Sheephead, 1 Sand Bass |
October 28, 2023 | 5 Boats 6 Trips |
162 Anglers | 36 Rockfish, 24 Vermilion Rockfish, 21 Yellowfin Tuna, 10 Yellowtail, 8 Calico Bass, 1 Dorado, 1 Bluefin Tuna |
October 29, 2023 | 5 Boats 6 Trips |
168 Anglers | 77 Yellowfin Tuna, 26 Dorado, 15 Yellowtail, 6 Bluefin Tuna, 4 Sculpin, 4 Skipjack Tuna, 3 Calico Bass |
October 30, 2023 | 3 Boats 4 Trips |
87 Anglers | 50 Rockfish, 10 Calico Bass, 10 Yellowtail, 5 Vermilion Rockfish |
October 31, 2023 | 5 Boats 5 Trips |
90 Anglers | 83 Yellowfin Tuna, 30 Rockfish, 23 Dorado, 15 Yellowtail, 6 Calico Bass, 5 Bluefin Tuna, 5 Vermilion Rockfish, 1 Sculpin |
Trip Photos
Annual Landing Totals | ||
Fish | 2024 | 2023 |
Barracuda | 1,083 | 206 |
Bluefin Tuna | 14,905 | 20,894 |
Bonito | 6,215 | 1,453 |
Calico Bass | 18,866 | 8,691 |
Dorado | 66 | 7,400 |
Rockfish | 33,073 | 31,183 |
Sand Bass | 3,955 | 781 |
Sculpin | 896 | 928 |
Sheephead | 948 | 921 |
Vermilion Rockfish | 3,740 | 3,306 |
Whitefish | 10,629 | 5,649 |
Yellowfin Tuna | 1,685 | 7,571 |
Yellowtail | 11,134 | 6,206 | © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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